Frequently Answered Questions
Please read the following before sending us e-mail. We encourage correspondence inspired by the Café del Sol, but we have seen the following questions come up time and again. We try to answer all e-mail as quickly as possible... thanx.

  1. Hey!... I just downloaded one of your applets and it's not working correctly. Can you take a look at my page, and the HTML code and see what I'm doing wrong?

    As much as I hate to say it... no. We probably don't have time to investigate applet problems on your end as thoroughly as the situation demands. 'A simple mistake' or not... we are swamped at this end... too swamped to examine other people's code. You are welcome to send questions, but ask very specific questions, and say exactly what the problem is. Be sure to include what platform you are running on, how much machine speed and RAM you have, and as many specifics about you machine environment as you think would be relevant. This does not guarantee an response... but just sending a general request for help will likely guarantee no reponse. Sorry... but we have to pretend we're too busy to repond [grin].

  2. Hey!... I'm just learning Java. Can you give me help?

    See above. We are happy that so many people are interested in Java and that they they think we are worth asking for advice, but again, we have enough trouble keeping up with our own projects. If you are interested in learning more about Java programming, we suggest you look at the various Java resources that are listed on the home page. And never under-estimate the power of examining/hacking source code from previously published applets. This is Java... it's still new... and most people learn by snooping, hacking, and trial and error.

  3. Is the source code available for the applets at the Café del Sol?

    No. We encourage you to incorporate the applets as they stand into your pages, but we do not release the source code. We will try to maintain and revise current versions as is needed.

  4. I just implemented one of your applets... can you link to my page from the Café del Sol?

    We love to hear from people who have used our applets. We cannot guarantee that we will link to your page. If it is an extraordinary or innovative use of the applet, we might link to it... but there are two extremes here: linking to EVERYONE'S pages or linking to none (or very few). Any 'middle ground' would require that we start judging other people's applets. We have neither the time nor desire to start a rating system. Because of this policy, we are not steadfast in our request that you link to our site. Would would like you to, but if you don't we probably will never know (and if we do know... oh well).

  5. Is there a standard blurb I should put if I do link back to this page?

    Standard? Pshaw... just mention the New Media Marketing Lab/Café del Sol and Sun Microsystems, Inc and we'll smile. If you really want to earn a friend, mention the specific applet author by name (and if it's Eric, link to his homepage... he loves that).

    We have a standard 'button' with the Sun Microsystem's logo (as seen at the bottom of this page). If you are really thankful you may pull down all the appropriate classes, images, and sounds, and incorporate it. All the appropriate resources may be found at

  6. May I make a suggestion about a future revision to an applet?

    Go for it. We always are willing to hear new ideas. We cannot guarantee the suggestion will be implemented, but we will consider it.

If your questions are still not answered, feel free to e-mail one of us at the Café del Sol: